2022/23 swimming pool season opening moved back to 24 November
Published on 16 November 2022
The opening of the Cohuna and Kerang swimming pools for the 2022/23 season will be pushed back to Thursday, 24 November due to forecast cooler conditions.
With maximum temperatures to be below the opening threshold of 24 degrees Celsius for the majority of the next week and rain forecast for Saturday, 19 November, the opening will be delayed to ensure visitors can make the most of their visits to both Gannawarra Shire Council-managed facilities.
“Our outdoor swimming pools are a great place to keep cool, and this decision to delay the opening by one extra week should enable sufficient time for the weather to warm up,” Council Chief Executive Officer, Tom O’Reilly said.
“If the forecast changes and the maximum temperatures leading in to Thursday, 24 November are warmer than 23 degrees Celsius, we will open the pools earlier than scheduled.
“Council thanks visitors to these popular facilities for their understanding as we endeavour to make the most of what has been a cooler start to season.”
Once the season begins, the Cohuna and Kerang swimming pools will be open from 3pm to 7pm during November, with the traditional summer opening hours of 10am to 8pm coming into effect from Thursday, 1 December and be in place until Tuesday, 28 February 2023.
Operating hours will revert to 3pm to 7pm Wednesday, 1 March 2023, with the season to end at 7pm on Sunday, 12 March 2023.
“Any changes to opening times, including during instances of inclement weather, will be publicised via Council’s Facebook page,” Mr O’Reilly said.
Residents can prepare for the start of the pool season now by purchasing season passes from the Cohuna and Kerang Customer Service Centres, or from either pool when they are open.
“A season pass is a great way to save to get into your local pool, with the cost equating to what an adult pays for 23 visits during the season, or 16 visits for a concession or student,” Mr O’Reilly said.
For more details on Council’s pools, as well as community managed swimming pools at Koondrook, Leitchville and Quambatook, please visit www.gsc.vic.gov.au/pools