Apply for funding from the Community Flood Recovery Grants Program

Published on 09 September 2024

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Gannawarra Shire-based not-for-profit community groups and organisations are eligible to apply for funding to support events, programs and activities that will assist the Gannawarra’s continued recovery from the 2022 floods.

Applications are now open for the fourth and final round of the Gannawarra Community Flood Recovery Grants Program, with grants of up to $1,000 available to support a variety of small activities that promote social connectedness, and mental health and wellbeing across flood impacted communities.

“Previous rounds of the Gannawarra Community Flood Recovery Grants Program have enabled community groups to host events or run programs that have brought people together to strengthen community relationship and bring some joy to our resident’s lives,” Council Chief Executive Officer, Geoff Rollinson said.

“Providing funding to support community-led recovery programs and events will help our community volunteer groups to continue to host a range of small events and activities.”

The grants program can support numerous community-led activities around the following priorities:

  • Bringing the community together to support social connectedness.
  • Promotion of healthy communities and improved mental health and wellbeing.
  • Activities for children, young people and their families.
  • Initiatives that build new skills and capacity.
  • The restoration and building of local economies.
  • Contribution towards the creation of a unique calendar of events to attract visitors to the area.
  • Supporting inclusion of, and participation from, flood-impacted residents.
  • The creation of sustainable outcomes to build resilience to withstand future change.

Community groups and organisations are encouraged to look at the program guidelines, which are available at, and determine whether their ideas fit within the funding criteria.

“Projects that are successful in obtaining funding will be required to have clear outcomes for residents and communities impacted by the flood event and all activities must be completed on or before 30 April 2025, Mr Rollinson said.

“Priority will be given to community groups that have events and activities ready to deliver and that have not received flood recovery funding support in the previous six months,” Mr Rollinson said.

Applications, which will be accepted on an ongoing basis until the funding available is allocated, can be submitted online at

For more details, please visit, phone (03) 5450 9333 or email

The Gannawarra Community Flood Recovery Grants Program is an initiative of the Gannawarra Community Resilience Committee and supported by Victorian and Commonwealth Governments under the Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) as part of the Gannawarra Community Flood Recovery Program.

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