Gannawarra Tiny Towns Showcase postponed

Published on 09 February 2024

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The Gannawarra Tiny Towns Showcase, scheduled for Friday, 16 February has been postponed and will be held at a later date.

To be hosted by former 10 News First journalist, Sports Tonight presenter and small communities advocate, Brad McEwan, the event aimed to raise the profile of the Gannawarra’s smallest towns and rural communities and to provide inspiration and motivation for them to continue to thrive into the future.

“Residents from across our smallest communities continue to volunteer their time to ensure that our small towns and rural communities remain sustainable and great places for people to live and visit,” Mayor Ross Stanton said.

“By postponing the Gannawarra Tiny Towns Showcase, our small rural communities will have additional time to recover from recent weather events, enabling additional residents to participate in a future showcase event.”

The showcase was also going to feature the launch of six community plans developed as part of the Connecting Gannawarra Project.

Funded by the Agriculture-Dependent Community Resilience Project, the Connecting Gannawarra projected involved the development of community plans for six of the Gannawarra’s small agricultural dependent communities - Lalbert & District, the Lakes District, Leitchville & District, Macorna/Tragowel & District, Murrabit & District, and Quambatook & District.

Council staff will instead organise community plan launch events in partnership with each of the six communities over the coming weeks.

“Council looks forward to officially launching each of the community plans and hearing from our small towns about what they want to achieve over the coming years and how Council and other partners can assist them to achieve their community goals,” Mayor Stanton said.

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