KerangLink advocacy recognised at National Awards for Local Government

Published on 28 October 2022


Gannawarra Shire Council’s advocacy for the development of KerangLink has been recognised in the 2022 National Awards for Local Government.

Council’s campaign calling for the construction of KerangLink – which will link Victoria and New South Wales’ electricity network via a 500-kilovolt double-circuit overhead transmission line that will pass through the Gannawarra – was highly commended in the Productivity Through Infrastructure Category in the publicly-voted awards.

“It is an honour to be recognised in these prestigious awards, which are open to the 537 local councils across Australia,” Acting Council Chief Executive Officer, Geoff Rollinson said.

“This recognition is a testament to the work our dedicated team undertake to make the Gannawarra a great place to live and work, especially as KerangLink will open up billions of dollars worth of investment in the Gannawarra, create thousands of jobs and potentially generate millions of dollars to our Council in future Payment in Lieu of Rates income, which will benefit our communities.”

Council’s advocacy efforts for KerangLink was one of 15 initiatives in line for the annual awards, announced earlier this month.

“To have projects such as Koondrook Retreat and Cohuna Beach, our Drought Communities Programme, NDIS services, employment programs and our work with the indigenous community in line for these awards helps put the Gannawarra on the map,” Mr Rollinson said.

“Council looks forward to continuing to support the community, especially as we endure the current flood emergency and future recovery efforts.” 

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