Koondrook Preschool exceeds
Published on 20 July 2017
Koondrook Preschool exceeds
Media Release
Koondrook Preschool has achieved an overall rating of Exceeding National Quality Standard in a recent audit of its program delivery.
Council’s Director Community Wellbeing, Mandy Hutchinson said it was an exceptional result for the Preschool.
“There are seven National Standards and Koondrook Preschool achieved an exceeding rating for five out of the seven areas,” Ms Hutchinson explains.
“An overall rating of Exceeding National Quality Standards is given to services that go above and beyond the requirements of the NQS in at least four of the seven quality areas.”
Koondrook Preschool provides 4 year old children access to 15 hours of kindergarten over three days a week. During this time children participate in a wide range of experiences that build on children's knowledge, ideas, interests, skills and learning, with educator's that actively engage and consistently enhance children's learning and development.
“The program is delivered by Early Childhood Teacher Danielle Parsons and Educational Assistant Chloe Hull.”
“We are excited to announce that Koondrook Preschool will be commencing a bush kindergarten program in the near future that will enable children to further investigate the natural environment that surrounds this ideally located Preschool,” Ms Hutchinson said.
Koondrook Preschool is located on the grounds of the Koondrook Primary School, and strong links forged by this co-location ensures a smooth and extended transition of children from kindergarten to school; children participate in school events, library, sports days and performances.
Congratulations to the Educators and parents of the Koondrook Preschool for achieving this outstanding result.
For more information please contact Council on 5450 9333 or visit council’s website www.gsc.vic.gov.au
Date: 20 July 2017
Media contact: Katrina Thorne T. 03 5450 9333 M. 0409 616 627