Koondrook Retreat now open

Published on 17 December 2020

Koondrook Retreat opening.jpg

Victoria’s newest nature based tourism destination, Koondrook Retreat is now open, with interest for this unique accommodation experience continuing to grow.

Member for Northern Victoria, Mark Gepp officially opened the facility on 15 December during celebrations held on-site.

Located adjacent to Gunbower Creek, the Gannawarra’s newest accommodation facility features six safari-style tents that cater for the growing “glamping” market, enabling visitors to enjoy our natural attributes in comfortable amenities that are commonplace in a metropolitan hotel.

“The development of Koondrook Retreat has captivated the imagination of residents, with the project a regionally significant strategic initiative that is closely aligned to the Murray River Adventure Trail, with the Koondrook-Barham to Barmah stage recently receiving State Government support in the 2020/21 Budget,” Mayor Charlie Gillingham said.

“Koondrook Retreat will also have flow-on benefits to the hospitality and tourism sectors, thanks to its proximity to the Koondrook CBD, Gunbower Creek, the Murray River and the internationally recognised Koondrook Wharf.

“Most importantly, Koondrook Retreat will kick-start the nature based tourism market in the Gannawarra, making the municipality Victoria’s nature based tourism destination.”


The $1.2 million project, which includes the installation of the six tents and development of the Gunbower Creek footbridge that connects the site to Gunbower Creek, was supported by $800,000 contribution from the State Government’s Regional Tourism Infrastructure Fund.

“Council thanks the State Government for backing our vision of making the Gannawarra Victoria’s nature based tourism destination, as well as its continued support of the municipality,” Mayor Gillingham said.

The celebrations were the community’s first chance to explore the site, tour the six safari-style tents and learn more about the tourism experiences visitors may choose to take part in during their stay.

The event was also special for Kerri McDonald, who won a two-night package for two people by attending the celebrations.

“Council thanks all who took part in the celebrations, as well as the efforts of the community, former Councillors and staff in making Koondrook Retreat possible,” Mayor Gillingham said.

To register your interest to stay at Koondrook Retreat, phone 0435 760 002 or email jennah@jmps.com.au

ABOVE: Member for Northern Victoria, Mark Gepp (left), Aunty Esther Kirby, Member for Northern Victoria, Tania Maxwell and Mayor Charlie Gillingham helped open Koondrook Retreat.



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