Let's Talk About the Weather community discussions continue

Published on 03 September 2024

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Conversations about the impact of extreme weather events on the Gannawarra are continuing, with two community pop-up sessions planned for this week.

Gannawarra Shire Council is working with Make a Change Australia and various local partner organisations to coordinate the Let’s Talk About the Weather program, which aims to facilitate a community-wide discussion about the impact of extreme weather events on residents and communities and prompt new ideas, solutions and approaches for the future.

As part of the program, community pop-up sessions will be held in Victoria Square, Kerang on Wednesday, 4 September from 10.30am-12 noon and outside The Big Cohuna Stockyard on Thursday, 5 September from 9am-10.30am. These sessions will enable residents to discuss their local experiences with extreme weather and answer the question “What do you reckon?” to facilitate the sharing of thoughts and ideas for the future.

“The first round of pop-up sessions, held in mid-August, enabled people to learn about this program and to contribute, and we hope a similar response occurs this week,” Council Chief Executive Officer, Geoff Rollinson said.

“The Let’s Talk About the Weather program aims to provide a platform for residents to share their experiences, thoughts and ideas that will help lessen the direct impact extreme weather events, such as flash or riverine flooding, storms and drought, have on our communities.

“For those who miss out on the chance to take part in these pop-up sessions, ‘What do you reckon?’ postcards will be available to fill out at various locations throughout the Gannawarra, including our neighbourhood houses, businesses and cafes.”

The program will culminate with the hosting of two free community events later this year: A lunch focusing on positive green spaces planned for Kerang on Wednesday, 13 November; and a dinner focusing on living with water occurring at Cohuna on Wednesday, 20 November. Details regarding locations, time, speakers and how to book will be announced closer to these dates.

“The two community events will feature an exciting keynote speaker, as well as provide the opportunity for residents to hear from local people and community groups who are adapting their practices in these changing times,” Mr Rollinson said.

Residents can also share their thoughts, experiences and ideas on the weather, its direct impact and local solutions via the online survey available at https://makeachange.org.au/gannawarra/

“Council is pleased to support the roll-out of the Let’s Talk About the Weather program across Gannawarra and hearing about work already occurring as well as positive ideas for adapting to climate variability in the future,” Mr Rollinson said.

The Let’s Talk About the Weather program is an initiative of the Gannawarra Community Resilience Committee and supported by Victorian and Commonwealth Governments under the Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) as part of the Gannawarra Community Flood Recovery Program.

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