New date set for The Sapphires

Published on 09 July 2019

The Sapphires.jpg

Quambatook is preparing for the performance of the popular Australian stage show, The Sapphires in October.

Initially scheduled to occur as an indoor performance in June, the same show will now occur outdoors at the Quambatook Recreation Reserve on Thursday, 3 October 2019.

Gates will open at the venue on the night at 6pm, with the show beginning at 7.30pm.

“The Quambatook community was overwhelmed with the support shown for the initial performance, and although disappointed that production changes meant the Quambatook Memorial Hall could not host the show, the town is looking forward to this outdoor show,” Quambatook Community Development Association President, Laura O’Dwyer said.

“I encourage you to come along, bring a camping chair or picnic blanket, set up your space on the reserve’s oval and have a great night out under the magnificent Mallee sky and support our community.”

The stage show, first performed in 2004 and became the basis of the popular 2012 Australian film that won 11 Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts Awards, tells the story of four young Aboriginal women who learn about love, friendship and war as their all-girl group travels to Vietnam to entertain US troops during the height of the Vietnam War.

Tickets for the performance, which are $25 for adults and $20 for concession, can be purchased online at

Those who purchased tickets online for the June performance will be emailed a code to receive a five per cent discount on this ticket purchase. This discount is offered as compensation for credit card fees that cannot be refunded from the previous ticket refunds.

“Council thanks the community for its understanding and patience following the change to The Sapphires’ performance schedule,” Mayor Lorraine Learmonth said.

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