Kerang's Sir John Gorton Library will be closed from 12 noon Saturday, 15 March to 10am Monday, 24 March due to building repairs.
Published on 15 August 2019
Planning for Stage 2 of the Quambatook levee project is continuing.
An earthen levee, which will protect the Quambatook township from flooding when the Avoca River breaches its banks, will be constructed on the western side of the river between Quambatook-Boort Road and Ninyeunook Road.
Council recently met with Quambatook Cemetery Trust members to determine the location of the levee in proximity to the Quambatook Lawn Cemetery.
“After meeting with members of the Cemetery Trust, we have re-scoped that particular section of the bank and relooked at how the cemetery would be best protected in an extreme flood event similar to what the Quambatook community experienced in January 2011,” Mayor Lorraine Learmonth said.
Stage 2 of the Quambatook Levee project is made possible thanks to a $266,000 contribution from Emergency Management Victoria’s Natural Disaster Resilience Grant Scheme.