Council supports the 'Stop It At The Start' Campaign
Published on 19 June 2017
Media Release
Gannawarra Shire Council is proud to support the National Stop it at the Start campaign to reduce violence against women and their children.
Stop it at the Start targets disrespectful attitudes and behaviours adults might dismiss or ignore, often without realising it, that send a message to young people that this behaviour is acceptable.
Mayor Brian Gibson said he was excited to be part of this campaign to ensure that the message is heard locally – with a local face behind it.
“It is never ok to be disrespectful. We need to be aware of our actions and language as adults and how this can encourage behaviour in our young people.
We need to set the standard and teach our children what is acceptable.
We also need to be aware of what is going on around us in the community and have conversations about disrespectful behaviour.
It may not be an easy conversation to have, but every time we speak out we are one step closer to stopping the cycle of violence against women.”
On average, across Australia, one woman each week is murdered by her current or former partner.
Across Victoria, intimate partner violence is the top risk factor for death, disability and illness of women aged 15 to 44 years.
Mayor Gibson said that Gannawarra is seeing an increase in the statistics of family violence.
“Gannawarra has a higher rate of family incidents compared to Victoria, with 2466.5 incidents per 100,000 population compared to 1302.1 for Victoria.
Family violence plays a significant role in outcomes for women and children and we are taking a stand and saying to our community that any form of violence is completely unacceptable.”
Gannawarra Shire Council is working in partnership with Northern District Community Health, Kerang District Health, Cohuna District Hospital, Mallee District Aboriginal Service, Victoria Police and the Southern Mallee Primary Care Partnership to address family violence across the Gannawarra Shire.
Visit for more information on the Stop it at the Start campaign, and copies of the advertisements. If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence, call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or Mallee Domestic Violence Service on 5033 1899.
For more information please contact Council on 5450 9333 or visit council’s website
Date: 19 June 2017
Media contact: Katrina Thorne T. 03 5450 9333 M. 0409 616 627