Will you be a Councillor in 2024?

Published on 06 September 2024

Councillor group photo - 2024.JPG

Residents passionate about the Gannawarra, leadership and creating a positive future for the area will be able to nominate for the 2024 Gannawarra Shire Council elections from 9am Monday.

Local government elections will be held throughout Victoria next month, with Australian citizens aged at least 18 years of age or older as of 26 October 2024 and a registered voter in the Gannawarra Shire eligible to stand for election.

“The 2024 Gannawarra Shire Council elections will be the first time that we will be operating under an unsubdivided structure, meaning that eligible enrolled voters will be voting for elected representatives from across the municipality,” Council Chief Executive Officer, Geoff Rollinson said.

“Residents who are successfully elected will help drive the Gannawarra’s strategic direction during the next four years, with the development of a new Council Plan 2025-2029 one of the first tasks that will need to be completed.

“This strategic document will outline how we continue to make the Gannawarra a great place to live and work, with many exciting opportunities to occur in the coming years, thanks to significant investment in renewable energy and agriculture, as well as the Gannawarra’s growing recognition as Victoria’s nature based tourism destination.”

As with previous elections, the Victoria Electoral Commission will manage the 2024 Gannawarra Shire Council elections.

People nominating to stand will need to make an appointment to meet the election manager between 9am Monday, 9 September and 12 noon Tuesday, 17 September at the electoral office, located at 36 Victoria Street, to complete the following tasks:

  • Lodge their nomination forms;
  • Pay a $250 nomination fee; and
  • Provide evidence that they have completed the mandatory candidate training online through Local Government Victoria.

Ballot packs will be posted to all enrolled voters from Monday, 7 October, and must be returned by post or by dropping it off to the electoral office by 6pm Friday, 25 October.

For more information regarding the 2024 Gannawarra Shire Council elections, please visit www.gsc.vic.gov.au/election

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