About us

Accessing E- Resources

We have an extensive e-collection that you can access 24/7 including:
  • hoopla
  • BorrowBox
  • Beamafilm
  • Britannica Library


Adult membership

Library membership is free.  As a member, you can borrow books, DVDs, magazines, audiobooks, and more. You also can use any of our electronic resources, as well as printers, photocopiers, scanners and computers (after agreeing to our Computer & Internet Use policy in branch).

Join here and next time you visit one of our branches, let staff know you have joined online. Bring your ID and proof of address to the library to activate your full membership and receive a membership card.

Gannawarra Library Service Conditions of Membership(PDF, 92KB)

Under-18 membership

Children and teens under the age of 18 can become Gannawarra Library Service members. To become a member come to your local library with your parent or guardian. If they’re not a library member, they should bring ID and proof of their address.

Online Membership

Online membership allows you to use Gannawarra Library Service's E-Library resources only.  If you wish to change to a full membership in the future, you will need to visit the library with appropriate ID and advise staff that you have an online membership.  Join here.



Libraries Victoria Logo


As a member of Gannawarra Library Service you are able to borrow in person from any Libraries Victoria branch across the state.

By using your membership at other sharing library services, you consent to those services accessing your details for administrative purposes. Additionally, any activity conducted will be subject to the conditions of use of the respective library service.

Library regions that offer the Libraries Victoria (LV) Card service include Campaspe, Swan Hill, Central Highlands, Goulburn Valley, High Country, Latrobe City, Mildura, MyLi (West Gippsland), Hyphen Wodonga, Casey-Cardinia, Greater Dandenong, Indigo Shire, Melton, Mitchell Shire, Towong Shire, Wimmera Regional, Yarra Libraries, Wellington Shire, Glenelg, Buloke Shire, Moonee Valley, Hindmarsh, Yarriambiack, Moonee Valley, Corangamite Moyne, Hume, Wyndham and Hobsons Bay libraries.

Gannawarra Library Customer Service Charter

This charter describes the standard of service we aim to achieve in all Gannawarra Library branches.  Our commitment is to provide services, resources and programs that are responsive to your needs.

We welcome your ideas and suggestions so that we can continue to improve our service to you, the customer.

We provide a public library service to those who visit, live and work in the Gannawarra Shire.  We offer free access to a wide range of information, leisure and technology in a welcoming environment.  We provide facilities that include spaces for meeting, studying and training, as well as opportunities for social interaction and lifelong learning.

We welcome everyone to our libraries and encourage use by all.  Membership to the library is free.


Our staff will provide:

  • Safe, welcoming environments where you will feel at ease

  • Fair and equal access to our services and programmes

  • Convenient hours of opening

  • Book chutes for returning items when the library is closed

  • Free internet access at all library branches


Our staff will:

  • Continually assess and develop our collections to meet the needs of our customers

  • Provide up-to-date information on the availability of items held in any of our branches via our catalogue

  • Ensure resources held in the library collections are clearly signed, tidy, in order and easily located

  • Promote the use of technology in a safe, smart and responsible way


Our staff will:

  • Be helpful, friendly and courteous and your needs will be treated with respect and confidentiality

  • Wear identification badges so that you can easily recognise them

  • Respect and protect your private information

  • Have the skills, training and experience to do their jobs well

  • Provide assistance in using the library’s services and resources

  • Acknowledge you courteously if you are waiting for assistance and will attend to you promptly

  • Aim to respond to enquiries:

    • In person or on the phone, while you wait

    • From telephone messages, mail or email within 2 working days

    • If an answer cannot be provided in the above time frame, advise you how long it will take, with a maximum of 10 working days

  • Refer an information request on to another person if they are unable to satisfy your information needs

Our partnership with you

We ask that you:

  • Treat our staff with respect and courtesy so that they can deliver the best possible service to you

  • Respect the rights of other customers whilst using library facilities

  • Ensure children in your care are appropriately supervised whilst in the library

  • Take care of the items you borrow and return them on time

  • Work with us to solve any problems you may have

We will consult you on major issues affecting the service and keep you informed about changes and developments.  We are happy to listen to your views about the library service.

If you need to contact us to discuss a matter that concerns you, write, email or phone:

Library Services Manager, Gannawarra Library Service

Cnr Shadforth Street & Murray Valley Highway

Kerang VIC 3579

Phone: (03) 5452 1546

Email: library@gls.vic.gov.au


Collection Development

Collection-Development-Guidelines-2017.pdf(PDF, 437KB)