Events and Programs

Keep an eye out here and on the Gannawarra Library Service Facebook page for current and upcoming events.

Event/program feedback accepted

Have you recently attended a Gannawarra Library Service event and would like to let us know your thoughts?

If so, please complete the form below. All feedback will assist us in organising future events and programs.

Click here to view form.

April School Holiday Program

Join us these school holidays and have fun creating things to keep and join in our Easter Eggs Hunts!

All activities are aimed at Primary School aged children. Adults must accompany children.

Booking is essential for each activity via TryBooking at the individual links below.

CREATE YOUR OWN BOOKMARK - Kerang Library 10.30am Tuesday 8 April.


Book for 'Create Your Own Bookmark' here

MAKE AN ARTY LEAF COLLAGE - Kerang Library 10.30am Friday 11 April.


Book for 'Make an Arty Leaf Collage' here

CREATE YOUR OWN PLACEMAT - Kerang Library 10.30am Monday 14 April.


Book for 'Create Your Own Placemat' here

MAKE AN EASTER EGG BASKET & EGG HUNT - Cohuna Library 10.30am Wednesday 16 April.


Book for 'Make an Easter Egg Basket & Egg Hunt' at the Cohuna Library here

MAKE AN EASTER EGG BASKET & EGG HUNT - Kerang Library 10.30am Thursday 17 April.


Book for 'Make an Easter Egg Basket & Egg Hunt' at the Kerang Library here

Book Chat - Kerang

Enjoy a relaxing morning as we share favourite books, get ideas on what to read next and discuss book inspired themes.

 Morning tea provided. 











Books on Wheels

Books on Wheels delivers books, magazines, audio books and DVDs to people who are unable to access the library themselves. 


To register for the Books on Wheels contact the Sir John Gorton Library on (03) 5452 1546.

Once registered, a library staff member will contact the participant to get to know them and gain

an understanding of the types of resources they would like to receive and arrange delivery.