Connecting Gannawarra project

Community plans to be launched between March and May 2024.

Connecting Gannawarra.png

Residents living in six communities have worked with Council to develop community plans that reflect their uniqueness and priorities.

Funded by the Victorian Government through the Agricultural-Dependent Community Building Initiative as part of the Victorian Government’s Smarter Safer Farms Strategy, the Connecting Gannawarra project will build on community planning work undertaken since 2008 and will empower communities to plan for their future whilst building resilience.

Project facilitators spent 2023 working with residents from the Lakes District, Lalbert, Leitchville, Macorna/Tragowel, Murrabit/Myall/Benjeroop, and Quambatook to develop these community plans.

What is happening now

Council staff will be visiting participating communities during March and May 2024 to launch each of the community plans. Residents are invited to attend any of the meetings listed below to discuss with Council representatives the community priorities identified in the respective community plans that are achievable over the next 12 months:  

Lalbert & District – Details to be confirmed  

Community plans for the Lakes District, Leitchville, Macorna/Tragowel, Murrabit and Quambatook have already been presented to each town's progress association or community development committee. To view these community plans, please click here.

How were these community plans developed?

Residents participated in the Connecting Gannawarra project in the following ways:

Community drop-in sessions and meetings - First round

Drop-in sessions and community meetings to gather residents' views were held in the following communities:

  • Kerang Lakes - 14 March
  • Murrabit - 20 March
  • Macorna/Tragowel - 23 March
  • Quambatook - 27 March
  • Lalbert - 28 March
  • Leitchville - 5 April


Social Meal sessions

Residents were able to contribute to the Connecting Gannawarra project by visiting Social Meals session during March.

Held once a month, these Council Community Care-run sessions are a great way for people to socialise and enjoy a home-cooked two-course meal for just $11.

Complete a survey

During March and April 2023, residents were able to complete a 14-question survey regarding the community that they live in. The survey was able to be completed online or at the locations listed below:

  • Lake Charm Service Station
  • Feelgood Shop, Lalbert (up to 28 March 2023)
  • Lalbert Recreation Reserve (from 28 March 2023)
  • Leitchville Post Office
  • Murrabit Trading
  • Mystic Park Hotel
  • Quambatook Stores
  • Sir John Gorton Library, Kerang 


Share your ideas

During March and April 2023, residents were able to share their ideas by completing a feedback sheet and submitting it a box located at the following places:

  • Lake Charm Service Station
  • Feelgood Shop, Lalbert (up to 28 March)
  • Lalbert Recreation Reserve (from 28 March)
  • Leitchville Post Office
  • Murrabit Trading
  • Mystic Park Hotel
  • Quambatook Stores
  • Sir John Gorton Library, Kerang

Feedback provided during this process was collated and presented to each community during May/June 2023, enabling project facilitators to confirm that the priorities identified match the information provided by residents.