Unnamed Kerang road naming

Feedback accepted up to 5pm Tuesday, 16 July.

White Cedar Lane - visual.jpeg

Residents are encouraged to help Council name an unnamed Kerang road which connects Kerang-Koondrook Road and Lower Murray Water’s Kerang wastewater treatment facility.

Council received a request for the unnamed road to be named White Cedar Lane, recognising the deciduous Australian native that is found throughout eastern Australia.

As part of Victorian Department of Transport and Planning guidelines, any request to name or rename a road needs to be presented to the community for feedback prior to approval from Council. These guidelines also outline that feedback identifying opposition to the proposal needs to include reasons for objection and/or an alternative name for the road.

White Cedar Lane.jpg

ABOVE: Council is seeking residents feedback regarding a proposal to name the road highlighted in red "White Cedar Lane".

How you can have your say

Residents can provide their feedback regarding this road naming proposal before 5pm Tuesday, 16 July by using one of the following options:

  • Completing a Have Your Say form, located below.
  • Picking up a Have Your Say form from Council's Customer Service Centres at Cohuna and Kerang and returning your completed form by 5pm Tuesday, 16 July.
  • By phoning Council on (03) 5450 9333.
  • By emailing council@gsc.vic.gov.au