Koondrook Wharf project on track
Published on 15 July 2016
Koondrook Wharf project on track
The Koondrook Wharf is beginning to take shape, with construction now well underway and the project on course to be completed in September.
Mayor Lorraine Learmonth said in the coming weeks other features of the project will be constructed and installed.
“Now that the pontoon has been floated into position, the community can really get a feel for how the Wharf will look and work. The coming weeks will be very exciting as the finishing touches are applied to this project,” she said.
One of the most eye-catching elements of the development will be the resurfacing of the old tramway turntable with a bespoke artwork. Award winning artist Glenn Romanis has been commissioned to develop this artwork and work with local artist Esther Kirby. The completion of the turntable will be one of the final elements of the project to be installed onsite.
The main section of the Wharf is being constructed using red gum timber sourced locally from Koondrook’s Arbuthnot Sawmills.
The $2 million project is being funded by the Federal and State governments through the Murray Darling Basin Regional Economic Diversification Programme, with Council contributing $500,000.
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Date: 15 July 2016
Media contact: Katrina Thorne T. 03 5450 9333 M. 0409 616 627